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At Cleco, we're using technology to build a smart grid to increase reliability, detect and isolate power outages in real time, restore power faster, remotely measure electricity use, remotely connect and disconnect service, detect meter tampering, monitor voltage and improve security and safety.

Cleco Power began modernizing its grid when the company replaced its analog meters with advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), an integrated system of meters, communications networks and data management systems that enable two-way communication between utilities and customers.  AMI allows Cleco Power to read customers' meters remotely.

This two-way communication is what helps make the grid smart.  A smart grid consist of controls, computers, automation, and new technologies and equipment working together to improve service

Cleco Power's next major investment in its smart grid includes the installation of devices that automatically detect, locate and isolate faults to minimize outage patrols and help service personnel restore power faster when there are outages.

Grid Modernization
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