Cleco Power ends forced power outages to customers

PINEVILLE, La. – Feb. 16, 2021 (9 p.m.) – Rolling power outages announced by Cleco Power at 7:30 p.m. have been suspended by the regional reliability coordinator, Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO).
“MISO has directed us to end the periodic outages because the power shortage is no longer threating the reliability of the electrical power system,” said Terry Whitmore, vice president of transmission services. “While we are no longer required to temporarily suspend power, it doesn’t mean we won’t be directed to do so again should the system become critical.”
Some actions customers with power can take to conserve energy include:
- Delay laundry, washing dishes, and other non-essential uses of electricity.
- Wash clothes with cold water, cook foods at the lowest possible setting and refrain from opening the oven door while baking.
- Don’t allow warmed air to escape from the home.
- Open blinds, drapes and curtains to let in warmth from the sun.
- Lower the central thermostat to 68 degrees or lower if possible.
“We appreciate our customers’ patience and have resumed normal operations,” said Whitmore.