Cleco readies dogs for adoption at the Pineville Animal Shelter

As part of Cleco’s Done in a Day program, employees spent the day at the Pineville Animal Shelter washing and walking dogs to ready them for adoption.
Through the Done in a Day program, Cleco employees volunteer with Louisiana non-profit organizations who request assistance with a project that can be completed in one day or a few hours.
Cleco employees volunteered at the Pineville Animal Shelter whose mission is to educate the community in responsible pet ownership and wildlife care, and provide for the housing and care of homeless animals and coordinate their adoption when possible. Volunteers helped wash and care for the animals, walk dogs and clean pens.
“Our employees are always eager to volunteer and give back to the community when an opportunity arises,” Madeline Ducote, communications representative at Cleco and Done in a Day program coordinator. “Volunteering with local organizations keeps us connected to the communities we serve.”
“We are so honored to have Cleco volunteer with us at the shelter,” said Lindsey Sylvia, volunteer coordinator for the Pineville Animal Shelter. “Not only did we enjoy Cleco being with us today, but I know the animals were happy to get undivided attention as well.”