Cleco enhances Eunice Community Garden for Eunice patrons

Cleco employees spent the day volunteering at the Eunice Community Garden as part of the company’s Done in a Day program.
Through the Done in a Day program, Cleco employees volunteer with Louisiana non-profit organizations who request assistance with a project that can be completed in one day or a few hours.
The Eunice Community Garden is a free service to Eunice-area residents who want to grow clean, fresh vegetables. The community garden is divided into two sections - a sensory garden for differently abled children and adults and a vegetable growing section that supplies food to the less fortunate in the area.
Cleco volunteers helped the Community Garden by building a new chicken coop, laying down limestone and other gardening tasks.
“Cleco is proud to spend our day helping with the Eunice Community Garden project,” said Willie Bergeron, governmental services representative at Cleco. “They rely solely on community involvement and donations to keep the garden open and free for the Eunice community.”
“The Eunice Community Garden is a non-profit organization under the LSUE Foundation that relies solely on volunteers and donations,” said Randy Miller, volunteer coordinator for the Eunice Community Garden. “When Cleco reached out to us to help us we were really excited and grateful for the help.”